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  • Kanna

    Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) is a succulent native to South Africa. It has been used traditionally for improving mood, focus, and reducing stress.

  • Acai + Elderberry

    Acai and elderberry contain flavinoids and polyphenols, phytochemicals which have been shown to support immune, digestive, and neurological function.

  • Velvet Bean

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  • Monk Fruit

    Natural sugar-free sweetener that contains mogrosides - compounds suggested to have beneficial prebiotic and metabolic effects.

  • Guarana

    Potent source of natural caffeine, theobromine, and anti-oxidants associated with supporting heart, metabolic, and cognitive health.

  • Nootropic Blend

    Cognitive boosting and vitality supporting compounds that enhance cognitive function, memory, and focus.

Kanna For A Cause

We're committed to contributing ten percent of our net profits towards 501(c)(3) initiatives that align with our own values.

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